Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The 1950s - a Turning Point in American History!

The 1950s were a huge turning point in American history. It was during this decade that television (including color TV) and the microwave oven became popular, roll and roll music hit the charts, credit cards were the new way to buy on time, diet soda and TV dinners were introduced, Velcro was invented, electric musical instruments were perfected, computers were being introduced, jet airplanes replaced propeller-driven aircraft, space exploration began, the birth control pill was approved, the civil rights movement advanced, and the interstate highway system was launched. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were born in the 1950s.

These are just a few of the extraordinary things that happened during the 1950s -- things which significantly changed forever the way we live. Although much attention has been given to the 1960s for the achievements during that decade, it was really during the 50s when things really got started. The 60s were mostly a continuation of the things that had originated in the previous decade.
The 1950s were when it really got started! Let's not forget it!

Nostalgic for the 1950s 

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